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A magnificent epic that vividly presents cultural fusion

"The wooden bow in the Han Dynasty is like this" "The sesame Nang more than 1000 years ago is so cute" "The curly puppy in this picture is today's pug"... At the National Museum of China "Blending and Gathering - Exhibition of Fine Historical Relics in History of Xinjiang", the audience enjoyed the precious cultural relics with great interest and appreciated the colorful charm of Xinjiang's history and culture.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the People's Government of the Xinjiang, this exhibition is co sponsored by the National Museum of China, the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Xinjiang (Cultural Relics Bureau), and the Xinjiang Museum of Culture. It vividly demonstrates the historical story of exchanges and exchanges among ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and demonstrates that Xinjiang has been an integral part of China and a multi-ethnic region since ancient times, The various ethnic groups in Xinjiang are important members of the Chinese nation's family that are connected by blood and share a common destiny. Chinese civilization is the fundamental foundation of the cultures of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

East West Exchange has a long history

Xinjiang is located in the northwest border of China and the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, and has been a fusion and gathering place of multiple ethnic groups, religions, and cultures since ancient times. For thousands of years, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, together with the people of the whole country, have jointly expanded China's vast territory and created a diverse and integrated family of the Chinese nation.

This exhibition showcases 209 high-quality cultural relics from Xinjiang, including 52 first-class cultural relics, including painted pottery, bronze ware, jade ware, gold ware, wooden ware, embroidered clothing, Jian Du documents, Mao Jian Yi, painting and sculpture, seal coins, inscriptions and stone carvings, and other categories. Many of the exhibits are important historical relics discovered in recent archaeological excavations in Xinjiang.

"The exhibition is divided into four parts, namely," long history "," thousands of miles of literature "," mutual learning and integration "and" mutual radiance ". The first two parts tell the history of Xinjiang, and the second two parts show the cultural exchanges and mutual learning on the Silk Road, highlighting the relationship between Xinjiang culture and Zhongyuan culture, which is connected by blood and information." Chen Keshuang, curator and associate research librarian of the National Museum of China, said.

During the pre Qin period, Xinjiang maintained close contact with the Central Plains region. About 4000 to 2200 years ago, Xinjiang entered the Bronze Age and the early Iron Age successively. Through the Tianshan Corridor and grassland, cultural exchanges between the East and the West are frequent. The display case displays Xinjiang painted pottery from the Shang Dynasty to the Warring States period, which is obviously influenced by the painted pottery culture in Gansu and Qinghai.

The jade axes and jade mace heads found in Hetian, Xinjiang and other places during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties are displayed side by side with the jade daggers and jade knives unearthed from the Tomb of Fu Hao in Yin Xu in Anyang Yin Ruins, Henan Province, telling the close relationship between the jade cultures of the two places. The researchers conducted scientific analysis on the jade wares from Tomb of Fu Hao in Yin Ruins and believed that the jade materials probably came from Kunlun Mountain in Xinjiang.

A bronze warrior figurine from the Warring States period is displayed in the independent exhibition cabinet, reflecting the metal smelting and casting skills in Xinjiang at that time. It is made of red copper grinding and casting, wearing a high top covered hat with a curved hook on the head, with a naked upper body, a short skirt tied at the waist, the left leg bent up, the right leg knelt down, both hands clasped, each with a hole tube in their hands, which should have been inserted, and their eyes gazed ahead, appearing powerful and powerful. Chen Keshuang said that the image of the warrior figurines was probably the Cypriots living in Xinjiang. As a Nomad, the Cypriots played an important role in the early cultural exchanges between the East and the West





Contact: Director Zhang

Phone: 15388623101

Tel: 029-87302568

Email: 233655879@qq.com

Add: Room1509,Taibai Road(South)No.5,Yanta District,Xi'an City, Shaanxi Prov,PRC.

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